Sunday, September 30, 2007

Strike 2

In the form of an attempted break-in on our car. They drilled out the locks, but apparently didn't make it in, for which I suppose we can be thankful. We got another special dose of attitude from the police department as well, who seem to believe that people who are stupid enough to a) live in apartments instead of "rent a private home," as the officer bluntly suggested when our apartment was burlgarized, or b) have a Dodge Neon (which the second officer told me are the #1 stolen car in the country, even though it's not even in the top 10) get what they deserve. But. We're doing our best to take what measures we can to make ourselves safer and then just doing our best not to get overly worried about the rest. Our landlord has actually been very responsive and I think there are those who probably would have just said, "Welcome to DC."

I think we are both reevaluating our relationship with the city, and I don't know that we've come to any solid conclusions about whether we'd ultimately feel comfortable settling down here or whether we'd feel safer, say, across the river in Virginia or something. Since we've decided to stick out our lease here, we'll see what the next year hands us and go from there. Obviously our decision would be somewhat biased at this point.

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