Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring goals

One thing I meant to talk more about in my last post was cutting down not just on coffee, but on a variety of other substances that I find to be rather addictive. They're nothing earth-shattering; sugar is one, BAKED GOODS are another. Someone brought banana bread in to work the other weekend and I wound up polishing off half the loaf, knowing while I was doing so that it wasn't what I wanted to be doing. Even decaf coffee kind of functions that way--I find myself downing it mindlessly, then craving more. Whereas when I drink tea in the morning, it's more like "That was nice, now I'm done." There's a certain kind of reaction I have to particular things that keeps me from making level-headed decisions about them. Television and the internet are another. The kind of slothful, bloated, I-know-I-should-get-up-or-do-something-different-but-I-can't-make-myself feeling that I really don't care for. I love spontaneity, but there's something to be said for intentionality as well.

The antidotes? Again, nothing mind-blowing. Eating "decent food" that lacks such a strong binge potential. (Generally easy for me at home, where I plan the meals; much harder when I'm somewhere else with unlimited junk food!) Going to bed early (staying up late--another addictive practice) and even a little hungry now and then. Getting plenty of activity and exercise. Sticking to a routine and keeping the apartment as neat as I can. I'm happy to say that I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but in a way, that's removed my impetus to exercise. I'm happiest and most energetic when I do, though, so I need to find a way to keep that up. I'm trying to spend less time on my computer in the evenings, since school means I spend a lot of time that way during the day.

Another way to engage in the real world in a mindful way is by reading actual BOOKS (and magazines). Even most of my course readings these days are online, and so actually holding a book and turning the pages are activities that have threatened to become obsolete for me. I've found this tends to make me rush, feel a little bit hyper, skimming to get through something versus reading it in order to know it or enjoy it. I see this tendency in myself and I don't like it. So I'm making an effort to check out books from the library, and I've actually changed two online subscriptions (great for reducing clutter and waste, but somehow not as satisfying or durable) to print (Mothering magazine and Midwifery Today).

Luckily, spring is coming and I'm also on break from school, so it should afford me some good chances to continue to energize my routine and myself. I've always liked doing seasonal rather than just new year's goals too, so in honor of the warmer weather, here are my spring goals:

1) Keep exercising 5 days a week
2) Go to bed before 10 and get up before 6:30
3) Keep tracking calories with The Daily Plate and avoiding addictive triggers like coffee, sugar, and baked goods
4) Stay off the computer in the evening
5) Read a book a month

Let's see how I do!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow -- if I just had you to do my THINKING for me, I could probably afford a few more baked goods myself. As long as you have that capacity to take a good hard look at yourself and, however adorable you may be, tighten a bolt or two here and there, you are going to be SO okay! I am totally in love with Matt and Katie's Okayness, and am thinking to make some for myself! With NO SUGAR ADDED!