Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Coming soon...

Somewhere in the past week or so, I've crossed over from thinking of the birth of this baby as "having a long way yet to go," into feeling like "holy crap, that's going to be here any day now." At 28 weeks, if this baby is born around the time Eden was (38 weeks 2 days), we've got less than 10 weeks to go...which doesn't sound like all that long! There are a lot of things I hope for by the time the baby comes--warm weather to be here, Eden to be fully potty-trained, a space cleared out and set up in which to actually give birth--and 10 weeks hardly sounds like enough time to get it all done. In the meantime, we're enjoying the quiet rhythms of family life we've managed to set up recently--which I'm sure are about to be knocked off their axis by the newest arrival.

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