Friday, June 10, 2011


...pretty much sums up the kind of day we had today. It started last night, probably, when we went out to dinner and so didn't get Eden in bed until after 9:30--almost 3 hours later than usual. She's never been a kid who can make that up the next morning (she still rose at 6) or on a nap the next day (still clocked in at under an hour). And by about 10am, I was ready to lose it. Crayons thrown in the litterbox. Crayons bitten off in the mouth.Closed doors repeatedly opened so that cats could frolic down and join the bed and breakfast crowd below. Cat litter played with, cat water dumped. Coffee jostled onto the couch. And that was all just this morning. Then there was a full-on, kicking and screaming tantrum when it was time for naptime, a fork thrown into the toilet later...the list goes on and on.

I'm fairly sure she doesn't get as much sleep as she needs, but we've tried everything we can think of to put her down sooner (she already goes to bed at 7), put her down later (in the hopes that it would get her to sleep in later, but see above) take a longer nap, and take a second nap. All have resulted in a huge outpouring of time and energy, for no gain. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I love Eden, and I can truly say I wouldn't choose for her to be any different of a person than she is, but BOY, she can be tiring. I am whipped. And that's with an especially heavy dose of support from both Matt and my mom today.

Luckily for me, my second child is the very soul of patience. And is gaining weight steadily despite the fact that she never gets to nurse for more than about five minutes at a time.

I'm trying not to think about how days like this will go when we move out of my parents' house. I'm doing my best to follow my resolution to focus on what I need for today. And today, I had what I needed. But there were moments where it felt like, just barely.


CountryMidwife said...

Ah honey... uggh. I'm sorry! It's so, so, so hard. You know I'm a newbie and growing and learning and being humbled yet, but can you try one of two extremes: either major physical activity OR tight swaddling/ergo riding? I'm sure you tried filling her love tank already :) This too shall pass, friend... Hugs --

Pam said...

Nobody knows better than I the travails of handling a super bright, intense child. I had one! Still do. Which is why I feel qualified to make a crazy suggestion. Another child? It might seem like crazier than crazy -- but if there are people nearby with children of about the same age as Eden with whom you can make play dates? Back and forth? Or even a local preschool program one or two afternoons a week? It didn't do a thing for my child's capacity for sleep or naps. But I'm convinced the constant presence of other children put a bit of a damper on any tendency he might have had for trouble or tantrums. Just a thought. There are times when more really IS less. Not to mention that less (when it's THEIR TURN) really is a more better good break for Mom. Crazy, I know. Just thinking out loud. Love you -- think you are doing a fantastic job. My heart goes out to you. xxoo to you all.