I just submitted my last paper for the term, which feels wonderful. It's even a week early. All in all, my first term at Frontier was challenging, but very doable. I'm almost excited to start again in January...though not as excited as I am to have a couple of weeks off!
We had a good weekend, if slow-paced. My nausea is getting better, but I'm still very sleepy much of the time, and Matt is wonderfully understanding about that. We ran a few errands, worked out a couple of times (which is going well--we're really enjoying the Y), and otherwise took it easy. Yesterday we thought we'd save a few dollars by running out to Aldi's (about 45-50 minutes away, in Maryland) to pick up some staples. We ended up getting out there just after six, both believing them to be open until at least 7, when in fact they'd closed at five. So they'd been closed by the time we left Reston, and we ended up stopping at a Safeway instead--saving absolutely no money, driving almost 2 hours needlessly, to shop in a bad neighborhood in the dark at a chain we have in Reston. The icing on the cake was that by that point we were both too tired and hungry to feel like cooking, so we ended up going out to dinner! We only got pizza, which was delicious and $25 out the door, but it just goes to show you that our adventures in frugality certainly don't always go as planned!
We also splurged to rent The Dark Knight from Hollywood Video, because the Redbox was out. The verdict? A total waste of $5! We're considering upping our Netflix plan (currently 2-a-month for $3.99, which suits us just fine when we're out and about) for the winter, since Hollywood can be such a ripoff and we'll be spending more time indoors.
I work twice this week and otherwise plan to try to get us ready to head back to the midwest this weekend! We're incredibly excited to see all of our friends and family, and it should be an awesome trip!
1 comment:
sleep and more sleep...enjoy it while you can! so, want to hit the ICAN conf in April, HOTlanta, GA?! I missed the Farm (i may never recover from THAT mistake) so am feeling the need to rally the troops to a distant southern town this Spring! Fun to hear of your exploits via the web- feel slightly voyeuristic, but YOU started it! Hope all is well, my little preggo friend. I live vicariously through you! Love you- Erika
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