Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, My Lovely!

You may notice that I have not posted here in a number of months. This is mainly because my job requires me to sit at a computer all day long, answer email, Google stuff, type, edit, and the lot. In the end, computers are no longer fun--they are work. But, this caused me to ignore the chance to wish my favorite person a happy birthday this week on the blog. Katie, you are simply wonderful, and it is an honor to be your husband. I really enjoyed celebrating your birthday this year in our standard close, frugal, joyful manner. So here I wish my most important person, best friend, wife, and soon to be fellow parent to the first in a line of Sullenbrand hellions a wonderful birthday. I look forward to many, many more with you Katie, and I am honored and grateful for every wonderful day we get together in between. 

I also wanted to mention to everyone how excellent of a job Katie is doing with the pregnancy. She is a real tough girl. She has been working a lot lately, mostly 12 hour shifts, and still does more than her share of housework. And, she still has the energy to go on walks almost every day. It is hard for me to see her have to deal with the various challenges of being pregnant--bodily changes, harder time sleeping, harder time moving around, all while having to just go on with life. I think most husbands feel this way, and if you dont, YOU SHOULD. It is a lot of work to be pregnant, and if ladies didn't do it, we would not be here. So, Katie, thank you for all that you are doing to expand our family. I am always here for you, for all that you need, every step of the way.

For all that you are, I am eternally indebted. I love you, always and forever!

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