Wednesday, August 15, 2007

(Law) School Girl

Today was my first day of law school orientation. Like a proud parent, Matt accompanied me all the way there, walked me in, and then kissed me goodbye. I was pleasantly surprised by how painless the entire experience was. I walked in preparing to be intimidated and anxious, but was met instead by a large number of friendly, interesting, seemingly like-minded other individuals-- the most striking aspect about whom was, to me, the fact that everybody I met (like me) freely admits that they couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with a map. Now, my poor sense of direction and navigation is a tender point for me because it contrasts so sharply with Matt's finely honed ability, old Boy Scout that he is, to quickly and accurately determine not just where we are but where we want to go at any given time or location, with a very, very, I might even say uncannily low margin of error. There are times it has made me wonder if I'm not a little, shall we say, on the slow side. However, here is an entire body of arguably intelligent future attorneys who all seem to have the exact same deficit. Any time a panel or group would let out, there would be a gaggle of people standing lost or wandering off in the wrong direction. It was really comforting. I was also fascinated by the number of people who have served in the Peace Corps, or Teach for America, or spent time abroad; it really seems to be a very civic-minded group, which I had worried I might be giving up by going to a larger school. The administration seems incredibly welcoming and well-organized, and determined to ease us into law school as gently as possibly. I know that there are inevitably huge challenges to be faced in the years ahead, but overall I'm feeling very encouraged.

Anybody who knows me very well knows that my number one anxiety trigger in life is having to dress myself, so I decided to try to change that up and use my attire to promote a positive mental state--so I wore what I wore to the "goodbye Matt & Katie" party in Iowa City (so what if my little sister picked it out for me?). Happy memories, and here (at long last) are the pictures from that occasion, as well as the goodbye breakfast.

Thanks so much, guys. I love and miss you all.

1 comment:

trebomb said...

Do they let you use run-on sentences at school?