Saturday, December 1, 2007

Settling in

We spent most of the day unpacking boxes, but we also took a walk around Reston, cooked dinner, made cookies, and trimmed our Christmas tree! We're loving having more room (especially in the kitchen, of course) and we're loving the fact that we've left our bikes on the patio two nights in a row and they're still here--which would have been unheard of back in DC. People leave tools in the back of pickup trucks and trust that they'll still be there in the morning. It's like night and day compared to where we came from!

Word is that the Midwest is buried in snow and ice, but we still have flowers on the ground and leaves on the trees, which made for a very pleasant evening stroll.

Otherwise, tomorrow is our 6-month anniversary, so we're planning to celebrate by going to the Indian buffet for lunch and then popping a bottle of champagne and finishing the unpacking!

I tried to post some pictures, but for some reason it isn't working. I'll try again tomorrow...

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