Friday, October 3, 2008

Putting the O Back in Birth?

(c) 2008 Jada Shapiro

On October 24th, I'm planning to head to Baltimore with a few of my nursing friends and see the film Orgasmic Birth. From what I've seen and read about the film, it's less about having an orgasm in childbirth than it is about being receptive to the sensuous, transcendent, and intimate nature of birth. As Marsden Wagner says, the same elements that you need for lovemaking--to be safe, secure, and uninterrupted--are essential to a successful and healthy birth. Ina May is in the film as well, and notes "It is possible to have an ecstatic birth—in fact, that is the best natural high that I know of. And these states of consciousness are best reached when a woman is fully aware and fully awake." Pretty reasonable sentiments, I think.

I've wondered about the name, even found it a bit off-putting, and felt concerned that if I found it to be such, I could only imagine it was a hundred times more so to the rest of the population who doesn't have a well-stocked collection of birth DVDs already. I was interested to read an explanation of the title over at Citizens for Midwifery (who also review the film here)--apparently, the filmmaker considered a number of more accurate, less-sensational titles but couldn't find backing for it until she went for the O. Kind of unfortunate, but I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.

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