Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Reach Hath Exceeded My Grasp

After dragging myself away from a fevered nap, shivering into scarf and hat to go to the grocery store in 50-degree weather, and then sweating my way through them all the way down the aisles, I have come to the conclusion that just maybe if it hurts to lie down, hurts to walk, hurts to think, hurts to pee for goodness' sake--

it just might hurt too much to cook.

Or at least, cook much.

So I admit that Curried Lentils and Sweet Potatoes, while no doubt delicious and full of health-giving properties, may have been a tad too ambitious for today. But I'm wondering whether Mushroom Soup might not be something that I can manage. Even feeling as I do--which, if you're wondering, is utterly like death. Like crap.

1 comment:

trebomb said...

If there's nothing going on, it's OK to just not post that day.