Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rising Done, Shining Questionable

We've tried to develop as many habits as we can to making getting up at 5:30 a not-entirely-disagreeable process. We pack our lunches right as we put away dinner, we generally try to leave the kitchen clean, and we pre-prepare as much of breakfast (water and oatmeal in a pan on the stove, water on for coffee, grounds in the French press) as we can. We scuttle off to bed pretty consistently between 9 and 10, and we even maintain our early rising on the weekends. Which is all to say that it's 6am and I'm feeling pretty good.

On the other hand, today is my first day off orientation at work and I think we've all been there. I'm sure it will be fine. Having been through this process twice before now, I do feel more or less ready--not to be done with learning, but to continue it at my own pace, and with only myself (and my patients) as witnesses. As probably any nurse will attest, the actual care and safety of the patients is the easy part; it's the entirely non-intuitive reams of paperwork, the doctors' endless idiosyncrasies, the answers to "where is the..." and "how do we..." that are a lot harder to learn.

Wish me luck.

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