Monday, January 21, 2008


It's been a good evening.

It actually started in the afternoon, because Matt got sent home sick from work and I got off at 3:30. So we were able to make a midday run to rent a movie, and got home with plenty of time to get a jump on a little cookery. While the cupboards are getting a little bare as it's approaching the end of the month, we were still able to put together a delicious batch of brownies (which we ate while we waited for dinner to cook), a pot of chili, and a batch of cornbread. We didn't have any frozen bags of corn, but we did have a few stray ears of sweet corn we'd frozen over the summer (yes, and dutifully moved from DC), so we thawed those and scraped them into the chili using one of the more mysterious sides of the cheese grater. It was--great!

However, the real sleeper hit of the evening was the movie Cashback. Lured by its provocative cover, we were surprised what a funny, thoughtful, and well-directed movie it was. It was British (which seems to be the unwitting theme lately) but boy, did it blow Shaun of the Dead out of the water. It's hard to describe, but I just felt like there wasn't a bad moment in it. Definitely worth checking out! (Though, consider yourselves warned that the British ARE NOT SHY about nudity.)

On a related note, we've squeezed about all the juice we can out of free Redbox rentals and our introductory half-price month of rentals at Hollywood Video is about to expire, so we've decided to just bite the bullet and pay for Netflix--at least that way we have an excellent selection and no late fees to worry about, as opposed to the somewhat tepid offerings we have here in Reston.

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