Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Double Chocolate Disappointment

I woke up this morning with my butt dragging, thanks to a difficult time falling asleep last night-- thanks, of course, to having rearranged my schedule over the weekend. I soldiered on, though, resisting the urge to take a nap and instead walking Matt to work and back. I also prioritized my to-do list in order of most-active to least-active, in the hopes that it would help me get energized.

And it did. Between 9:30 and 11:30 I changed the sheets, did a load of laundry, vacuumed the apartment, cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, and made a batch of cookie dough. Whew! Just as I was about to sit down and tackle the two major tasks that I really wanted to accomplish today--filing our DC taxes and finishing my Shenandoah application--the hospital called and asked if I would come in. Initially I told them that I could be in in about an hour, thinking that I'd bake the cookies first. I immediately realized that at time and a half, that was a very expensive batch of cookies I was about to bake. So I put the brakes on what I was doing and went in from 12-5, stopping to pick up Matt on my way home. Once there, we put the cookies in the oven so we'd have something to munch on while dinner cooked.

Due to a chocolatey itch that the failed pudding didn't quite scratch, the cookies I attempted today were these. While Smitten Kitchen usually does not disappoint me, on occasion it does perplex. Similar to the way my pudding was in fact chocolate soup, a problem experienced by several other commenters on the site while the majority sung the recipe's praises, I found these cookies to be overly dry, rather crumbly, and altogether unexceptional. They weren't necessarily bad, but I wished I'd saved my Ghiradelli chunks for hot chocolate or something else. Once again, a number of others who made them agree with me; the rest are in rapture. What's up with that?!

On the more tried-and-true front, Matt and I came home and made a batch of tamales with corn and jalapenos. We also whipped up a quick batch of Matt's infamous salsa, using canned tomatoes instead of the usual fresh but I think it's going to be very good nonetheless.

On another positive note, our car insurance went down $300 just for moving to Virginia.

And, thanks to everybody who has voted in the poll! If you're not committed to voting by secret ballot, you can always drop me a comment and give a more expansive opinion. Or you can leave a comment about anything--recently I've started to feel depressed by the lack of feedback, wondering if anybody reads the blog anymore and considering whether I should throw in the towel. Since installing a stat counter, however, I realize that you're out there--you're just the strong, silent type. But feel free to give me a shout-out every now and then.

1 comment:

Holly said...

No throwing of any towels will be necessary, thank you! I LOVe your blog! Also, my cat ripped the e and 3 keys out of my keyboard and it blows...you wouldnt believe how many "e"s are used in a day! Now I just have to punch the key to make it work!