Sunday, February 17, 2008

Like Night and Day

Going from working one to working the other is as different as--well, you get the picture. This weekend I (and Matt, game as always) have been trying to flip my/our schedules from "early to bed, early to rise" to exactly the opposite, because I work overnight tonight. Having struggled to master the former in the first place, and finding that the inevitable effect of such is sacking out on the couch around 8:30pm, I'm hoping that my body is up to the challenge. Last night I did manage to get a second wind and stayed up reading till 1am; Matt then let me sleep till 10am, which is 4.5 hours off of when I have to get up for the day shift. It's progress--this evening will tell whether it was enough.

The upshot of working overnight tonight is that I don't work again until Friday. At least, not that I know of yet. I don't have any grand plans although our DC taxes still are yet to be filed and if I know DC, they'll probably be ten times as complicated as the other three states--put together.

A weekend recap: Friday night Matt worked a little late, so I walked up halfway to meet him. By the time we got home we were both starving, so we decided to live a little and go out to dinner. We ended up going with Clyde's, an American-style place in the Reston Town Center with good food and an extensive beer list. (And also a $9 mojito, a fact I didn't realize until after I had already imbibed.) Because for us, the point of eating out is to get something we wouldn't otherwise cook ourselves, Matt had a Reuben and I had a cheeseburger. Both were excellent. We came home, watched a few Cosby episodes, and flopped.

Saturday we slept in a little and ran some errands. The gasket around the Neon's trunk is leaking (at least, that's what we think it is) so we're working on getting that problem sorted out so that we don't continually have a trunk and a backseat with standing water in them. My close friend from law school had called earlier in the week to see if we wanted to get together, so we invited her over for dinner. Matt, incredible husband that he is, single-handedly prepared the garlic soup we love so much, along with a pan of baked ziti, all the while keeping our wineglasses refreshed while the friend and I brought each other up to speed. As a side note, another friend recently introduced us to Clean Slate, a white wine we love, so we were drinking that. I had also confidently attempted homemade chocolate pudding, only to have it fail to thicken and so end up with a delicious, but unfortunately drinkable, chocolate soup. Oh, well--better luck next time.

Today I slept in again and finished reading Diary of a Midwife, written by the program head at Shenandoah University. I'd read it back in nursing school but had a very fresh appreciation of it this time, since she spent a portion of her time in Reston and also detailed (back in 1998) many of the same struggles I wasn't aware of before practicing on the East Coast. It's a wonderful read for nurses and non-nurses a like, and I would highly recommend it. I'm really looking forward to meeting with her, hopefully within the next few weeks.

For dinner, Matt made a variation on Butter Chicken, using potatoes, which was very good. But more on that later, because we're hoping to squeeze in a walk before I go to work at 6:30.

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