Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Playing Cricket

Recently we've come across a couple of cave crickets in our apartment. Fortunately, the first one we ever found was dead (we found him under the fridge while looking under there for something else), and so we could inspect and identify him (via Google) before we had to be confronted with the terrifying experience of seeing one next to the coffeemaker at 3:00 in the morning. That one promptly leapt out onto us, leading Matt to exclaim, "Oh lord, we've been attacked in our own home!" And last night, as we were lying in bed, I thought I saw a dark blotch on the wall and on closer inspection I realized it was another one of these:
They tell us it's just cricket season in Virginia. I've never minded bugs much, but these are a little freaky. Good thing we're going out of town for a few days! Speaking of which: WE'RE GOING OUT OF TOWN FOR A FEW DAYS! And we're very excited about it.

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