Friday, January 30, 2009


This is one of those days where I haven't felt like doing anything.

I've actually gotten a little schoolwork done, but I feel like I hit a frustrating roadblock at every turn, so it's not nearly as much as I'd like.

I know that we should go to work out tonight, but our recent colds, plus my expanding girth, have lately made me feel anything but energetic and athletic. I have a decent amount of energy for my daily activities, including 12-hour shifts, but lately exercise has just not been sounding (or feeling) appealing at all. What does? Not that much, to be honest. I think I'm just in a funk today and have to wait for it to pass.

The pregnant girl's substitute for a good mojito at the end of such a day? Peanut butter cup ice cream. Stereotypical, I know, but oh so good.

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