Saturday, January 17, 2009

The weekend is here!

The second trimester is also here, which (at least so far) means that hearty breakfasts are back! We got up this morning and made a big batch of scrambled eggs, homemade biscuits, and sausage gravy. Thoroughly immobilized after that, we took a lovely nap on the couch and are now getting ready to head out and run errands--sell some used CDs, among other things. At the moment, I'm catching up on the billpaying and my incredibly longsuffering husband is on the phone with TMobile's customer service, trying to impress upon them why it's unacceptable to have to rely on cell phones that are completely unreliable. (Anybody who's talked to either of us in the past year will know exactly what I'm talking about.) These are, without a doubt, the worst cell phones and service we've ever had, and if Matt manages to get us out of them, I will be forever in his debt.

Last night we largely stayed in except for a quick trip to the gym, and watched Who Killed the Electric Car? from Netflix. This is an important movie I really believe more people should see. The answer to the title question is multifaceted, but suffice it to say that big business (like, oh, the oil and auto industries) had pretty much everything to do with it. I never realized that the events surrounding the rise and demise of the electric car happened as recently as 2003-2005; for some reason I thought it was further back in history than that. Anyway, the movie is eye-opening and well-documented and definitely deserves a look.

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