Monday, January 19, 2009

Bread, continued

The bread is out of the oven, and featured at the bottom right of the bread collage above (which also features two different versions of whole-wheat no-knead bread across the top, and Betty Crocker's whole-wheat bread to the bottom left). It wound up rising nicely, so much so that I couldn't bring myself not to do at least a second mini-rise (which also went well). I baked it for the full 60 minutes and was rewarded with tall, ample loaves that taste pretty good with a pat of butter on them.

My verdict? Mixed. I'm uncomfortable with how much I had to increase the flour ratio (and I ended up using probably 1/2 whole-wheat and 1/2 unbleached white, despite my intentions to use something closer to 75/25; I ended with white flour and just kept adding it until the dough reached a satisfactory texture). Other changes I made were to add about 1/4 cup of vital wheat gluten and a pinch of ginger for dough conditioners. On the whole, I'm fairly happy with the result, but I'd like something with a little more predictable formula. I think in the future, unless I had milk that needed to be used up, I'd be likely to go back to this recipe...or maybe give this one a try...

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