Sunday, January 4, 2009

Long Live Freecycle!

Crunch time is drawing near: we both go back to work in the morning, and we've still got our bedroom, storage closet, and bathroom to deep-clean. On the plus side, we've finished the kitchen, dining room, living room, and hall closets, all of which are looking great, and we've cleared out a ton of room by having Freecycled an absolute boatload of stuff. A lot of it was stuff like lotion and body wash thatcame from my days as a body product junkie, or my avid CVS-ing days, but especially now that I'm pregnant I've pared way down--and I really don't plan to ever start using things with long, unpronounceable ingredient lists again. High on our list of things to get rid of: anything including concerning ingredients like parabens and talc. Apparently everybody else out there doesn't feel the same way, though, because these things are getting snapped up literally within minutes of posting them.

Some other things we've found a home for: a four-foot long didgeridoo, 12 large flowerpots, a rusty hedge clippers, an unwanted toaster, and a ton of other things. We're getting efficient: I've developed a number of cut-and-paste Freecycle responses (like directions to our apartment) and a system of using up unwanted plastic grocery bags to bag up the items, then tape the recipient's name to them so I can leave them outside the front door.

Granted, there are probably a few of these things we could have made a few bucks off of if we'd had the patience to wait for them to sell, but a) we wanted them out NOW, and b) I've realized that the reason we live in such a thriving Freecycle community is that the people who are giving up jogging strollers and bagsful of maternity clothes aren't looking to make a buck either, and that part of contributing to that community (and, in turn, benefiting from it) is being willing to give away more than just the dregs.
Patches watching over the Freecycle basket
A couple of items awaiting pickup outside our apartment

1 comment:

trebomb said...

Here, Becky, eat from this bowl that my cat's butt was in!