Thursday, January 1, 2009

Catching Up

The things that have come and gone since I last wrote: Christmas with the Wisconsin family. Our return journey. A nice visit with a childhood friend. The new year!

Christmas in Wisconsin was lovely. We had a great time just relaxing with Matt's family, enjoying yet more delicious home-cooked meals, and enjoying the (snowy) countryside in one of our very favorite states. We even managed to sneak in lunch at the Imperial Garden, our favorite Chinese restaurant anywhere and the only one where you can eat yourself full without then feeling like, as my dad would say, "you've been poisoned." Matt got the moo-shu pork and I got chicken and broccoli, and both were wonderful.

The return trip was relatively uneventful--once we got out of Wisconsin, there was very little snow on the ground anywhere, and we didn't face any kind of precipitation at all. Just slightly overcast skies, perfect for driving. We did split it between two days, stopping in Cleveland to stay with our friend Jessica, which made for both a nice visit and a good halfway point. The next day, we drove home, stopping in Pittsburgh to revisit our favorite Indian restaurant (noticing a theme here?).

And boy, does it feel good to be home! The cats were thrilled to see us, and it was great to be back in our own bed again. Since we've been back, we've been getting back into the swing of working out at the Y, and are trying to do a deep clean/"big sift" (as my mom would call it) of the apartment and our belongings, since this is the last prolonged time period we'll have off together before the baby is born. Yesterday we about half-finished deep cleaning the kitchen, and today we're hoping to finish that and tackle the bedroom. I work tomorrow, and then over the weekend we're hoping to plow through the rest of the place. We may or may not make it all the way through, but at least we'll have gotten off to a good start!

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