Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Like a Kid in a Candy Store

Is how I felt when my super-fabulous in-laws were kind enough to give me an gift certificate for my birthday. The possibilities were endless!

Once I came back down to earth, I tried to think about the most sensible way to go about making my selections. This meant weeding out books I could easily get at the library, ones that I could potentially find at a used bookstore, and those I couldn't see myself reading more than once. In were books that would help make up my future professional library, as well as lifestyle-oriented books I might want to refer to on a regular basis.

Here's what I eventually (and I do mean eventually--I'll bet I devoted a good two hours to this) decided on:

Your Money or Your Life, by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin. Consistently rated one of the most inspirational guides to managing personal finance in keeping with personal goals. A good review can be found here.

Simple Prosperity: Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable Lifestyle, by David Wann. An equally good review from the same site here.

Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, by Ina May Gaskin. The book that Alice Walker says has the "power to change the life of everyone born on the planet," by one of the foremost natural childbirth experts in the modern world. For parents, practitioners, and everybody.

Spiritual Midwifery, by Ina May Gaskin. A timeless classic for midwives.

The Birth Partner, by Penny Simkin. I gave away my first copy and am excited to get my hands back on this great resource for supporting women through labor. Information on positioning, breathing techniques, masssage, and lots of other awesome skills that I'm hoping to incorporate more into my nursing practice.

I can't wait!

1 comment:

trebomb said...

I've often equated those products to candy myself.