Saturday, March 22, 2008


It's supposed to be cool and rainy today, which is disappointing because we're itching to use our new hiking/backpacking gear. But we are planning to take a walk, and do some cooking (of course), and just maybe tidy up the apartment, which has been a tad bit neglected since this has been an exceptionally busy week for both of us.

On another interesting note, yesterday marks the first time I've ever gotten my eyebrows threaded. Having been cursed with dark, bushy eyebrows since the age of about ten, I became a regular waxer during and after college but dropped it in favor of erratic self-tweezing when we entered our period of extreme frugality while saving for our wedding. Two things I never liked about waxing were the cost (around $20) and the skin irritation I experienced afterward. Enter threading, recommended to me by several of my Indian patients whose eyebrows I had complimented. Because the hairs are pulled out by a a tight loop of thread which is run over rows of unwanted hair, it doesn't remove or damage the top layer of skin like ripping off a piece of hot wax does. Oddly enough, it's also incredibly precise. Because the town next to us, Herndon, boasts a large Indian population, I had no trouble finding a great local place (Maria's Place, which I would highly recommend) to get it done; best of all, I paid only $8 for the shapeliest eyebrows of my life. Yes, it's fairly uncomfortable, but it's so effective and done very quickly. Consider me converted: unless we move to an area where it's suddenly unavailable, I don't think I'll ever wax again.

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