Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Growing Things

Spring has sprung in northern Virginia, and it couldn't be prettier. (My apologies to those of you still looking out your windows at a midwestern winter.) Here are some pictures from walking Matt to work this morning (the first one is right outside our apartment):

We have the best commute ever! Did I mention I've been ecstatic lately because it's actually light out when I leave for work at 6:10 in the morning?

Things are growing inside, as well. Here's a side-by-side comparison of our herbs when we first got them, compared to now:

They were just babies, and now they're HUGE! The lavender and thyme have especially taken off. (Unfortunately, so has the population of--gnats? fruit flies?--roosting in the soil.) The basil has stopped being wilty and is now strong enough to stand on its own without my staking it up with dental floss. And now they have neighbors outside:

Cherry tomatoes, Early Girl Tomatoes, Sage, and the strawberries, which you knew about, and which are failing to blossom. Oh, well.

We ourselves have also gravitated toward a lot more outdoor activity lately. Our Netflix rotation, which was getting refreshed a good 2-4 times a week during the colder months, has seen the same 3 movies getting stale on the coffee table for the past couple of weeks because we've been spending our free time walking, biking, or hiking. Lots of fun! We're hoping to do most of our errands on bike or foot while the weather is nice, and so far we've been off to a promising start.

And lastly, a picture I took this morning and had fun with in Picasa:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!!!!! The Midwest is slowly getting green too, so don't worry about being sensitive to our feelings!