Sunday, April 6, 2008

Three Hours Later: Cleaner Streams, Sore Legs

Yesterday Matt and I participated in the 20th Annual Potomac Watershed Cleanup by picking up trash in and around Reston streams from 9am-noon. You can see the results of the coordinated efforts throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia here. Pretty exciting! While it was damp, dirty work, it was a beautiful day and a gratifying task, and Matt and I both really enjoyed it. It's renewed our commitment to adopting a spot here in Reston so that we can do the same thing on a more regular basis. 

Predictably, it made us angry to see how much crap people throw outside. I can't imagine what goes through their minds when they do it. I remember being told maybe ONCE, by my mother, at a young age, that garbage goes in a garbage can and I've never had to think about it since. It also reaffirmed my belief in the evil of things like cigarettes, bottled water, and disposable diapers. Even if you don't throw your refuse on the ground, it still ends up in a landfill, and they're still items whose use could be prevented or greatly reduced. For the same reason, I've also been seriously thinking about getting a Mooncup. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about.

Yesterday they also served us free pizza, which coincidentally work had also done the day before. Which was nice, but between that and a dinner consisting of margaritas and chips on Friday night, I'm feeling bloated, sluggish, and ready to get back into cleaner eating. The scale, which hasn't budged throughout weeks of whole-milk smoothies and hot chocolate before bed and eating till I'm satisfied, is up two pounds. I've decided that it feels better to practice a little restraint and stay in tune with my body. Till next time :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie! I found your blog through your facebook, and have really enjoyed it. I'm not a cook, but you make me want to try. Just wanted to say I have a Keeper and I LOVE it.... super clean and easy. Katie Z (from PHS, too) introduced me to it.