Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yummy Banana Bread

Lately, we've been loving this banana bread. I have a batch in the oven right now. I've flirted with other banana bread recipes, particularly ones that use all whole wheat, but it seems like they always end up either excessively dense or overly...wet...okay fresh out of the oven, but less than desirable a day or two later. This one uses just a little more whole-wheat flour than white (and we've switched to unbleached, at least, though I'm not all that sure how much of a difference it makes) and also represents the first time I've ever made an effort to really follow the directions when I make banana bread--you know, two separate bowls, mixing the dry ingredients thoroughly before combining with the wet, etc. I'd always that that was kind of an overly fussy waste of time, but now I'm thinking maybe it's not. 

I was also excited to find at the thrift store for 50 cents a taller, narrower bread pan than the standard loaf size. Food blogger Tammy, whose banana bread recipe we used, was once asked by a reader what her secret was for such high-rising loaves of bread. She honestly answered that it was just because she used a narrower pan! Thanks to her candor, we have been enjoying proudly risen loaves at our house, too.

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