Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Articles on Birth Trauma

which occurs when women have frightening or insensitive birth experiences that lead to psychological issues. Some have gone so far as to call it birthrape, and I have to say that, sadly, drawing on my experiences as an OB nurse and as a rape crisis volunteer, I've seen many incidents that justify the term.

An article from Lamaze...

an article from the Wall Street Journal (oddly enough)...

and one from a small Indiana paper which references the WSJ article, but gives the issue a much more human face.

Whenever people say, "The only important thing in birth is that you get a healthy mom and a healthy baby," I am quick to correct them that those may be the MOST IMPORTANT things, but they're not the ONLY important things, not by a long shot. And these articles are testimony to the fact that that when "everything else"--a sensitive provider, a comfortable setting, respect and privacy and autonomy and dignity--is swept under the rug, you can end up with a very traumatized mother and thus a shortchanged baby. In 2008, in the United States, merely surviving birth without any major injuries or infections is setting the bar way too low.

Or (unfortunately) is it?

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