Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bargains and Needs

I have an uncle who said to me when I was a kid, "It's only a bargain if you need it." I've often mulled over the powerful wisdom in that basic statement, which was truly revolutionary the first time I heard it.

The Simple Dollar addresses the same idea this week, and I think that for frugally-minded people, it's always a useful reminder. Deal-hunting can become sort of an addiction after awhile, an end in itself rather than a means to actually saving money.

However, I would also add that there's more than one definition for "needing" something. TSD points out that if you can turn a profit on the item, there's a compelling reason to buy it. You may need the extra income it generates. We also feel that something can likewise be a bargain if it's a good deal and someone else needs (or otherwise could use) it. 112 maxipads for $0.27 is a case in point--it fulfills a need for someone else, and satisfies my urge to splurge, however minimally. As long as I keep it within our allotted charity budget, it's a win-win situation.

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