Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday's Spoils

We biked about 9.5 miles today running errands. We're slowly developing a roster of favorite haunts around town, and one is definitely The Closet. It doesn't hurt that right next door is the outstanding Great Harvest Bread Company (website:, a no-frills bakery whose products have ingredient lists that read just like a recipe--just like they should. Sugar, butter, flour, chocolate, etc. They also give away free, full-sized slices of bread (and butter) and aren't stingy about how many times you go through the line. Love it!

At The Closet today, we picked up this mason-jar-type canister for $2, which I planned to put ice water in, but which worked perfectly for making an extra-large batch of yogurt (since we've got about 3 gallons of milk in the fridge, thanks to the $.99/gallon sale at Fresh World).

We also got these exceptionally sturdy insulated (aluminum? stainless steel?) coffee cups for a buck apiece.

And, since our originally herb garden was starting to look a little crowded, we bought this bowl for $4 and relocated the rosemary and the lavender to it--giving the basil and the thyme a little more room to breathe.

While we were repotting, we moved the strawberry to this lovely steamer, which we have adored since we received it as a wedding gift but which we used until it developed a crack. Now it's a beautiful flowerpot, complete with built-in drainage holes and a saucer for underneath!

And, we swung by Fresh World again and indulged in more spinach, among other things. The spread below cost us less than $5, and I'm pretty sure we're set for life now. Or at least for the summer. Most of it we'll probably end up freezing, but first I had to wash it, double-rinse it to try to get the sand off, spin it dry, and de-stem it. It gave me a taste of what life on a commune is probably really like.

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